The first thing that anyone must understand is that the human hand, including the fingers is very complexly connected to the screen. This is because it has many nerves, which are transmitting different sensations from the palm side of the human body to the screen. If these nerves are damaged, the whole display will be disabled. That’s why if you are using the screen and you have your hands all frozen up, the result would obviously be disastrous.
The question, how can cold fingers affect the display should not be answered in a mechanical manner. Instead we should try to understand it in a biological sense. There are a lot of possibilities here. One of them is that the temperature of your finger can cause a breakdown in the chemical signals that are being transmitted from your brain to the screen. And this process might be quite serious, especially if the finger is frozen for some time.
However, this phenomenon can also be caused by a malfunction in one of the major pathways in the body. And that is the pathways that link the brain to the fingers. If the finger loses its power to convey messages from the brain, it will be unable to send any. This clearly indicates that if the finger is dead, the screen cannot function properly.
Now, let’s assume that we are using a computer screen and we have a dead finger. How can we make sure that this does not occur? The answer is quite obvious. First of all we have to make sure that we use gloves whenever we are working with the computer screen.
But this leads us to another question. Can cold fingers affect the display if we are typing on the keyboard? Again, the answer is obvious. Gloves will definitely help us when we are typing on the computer screen but, if we are typing text on the livelier part of the keyboard, our hands will become infected with colds even without gloves. It seems that even when we use gloves, our hands get very cold.
So we see that if we are using the computer, gloves are a necessity. In the same way, if we are typing on the livelier part of the keyboard, our fingers become infected even without gloves. It seems that even when we use gloves, our hands get very cold. Therefore, the question “can cold fingers affect the screen” can only be answered when you keep your hands clean all the time.